Totaling Query



Hey all,
Let me try to explain this. I am creating a query to take the sum of
transactions for a certain ID# in one table and subtract them from the
original fund amount. The problem is, some funds have no transactions giving
them a null sum. So when I run my query, I only get results for the funds
that have transactions. How would I set up a query to give me a result for
every fund. Sorry it is remedial. Thanks, Adam

Ken Sheridan


You need to use an outer join so that all rows from the Funds table are
returned regardless of a match in Transactions, and use the Nz function to
return a zero for the Sum of the transaction amounts where there is no
matching row in the Transactions table, e.g.

SELECT Funds.FundID,
FundAmount - NZ(SUM(TransactiaonAmount)) AS Balance
FROM Funds LEFT JOIN Transactions
ON Funds.FundID = Transactions.FundID
GROUP BY Funds.FundID, FundAmount;

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


Thanks so much for the help. It looks good. But where do I put this? Thank
you, Adam


Nevermind. Duh! I figured it out. Thanks, Adam
Ken Sheridan said:

You need to use an outer join so that all rows from the Funds table are
returned regardless of a match in Transactions, and use the Nz function to
return a zero for the Sum of the transaction amounts where there is no
matching row in the Transactions table, e.g.

SELECT Funds.FundID,
FundAmount - NZ(SUM(TransactiaonAmount)) AS Balance
FROM Funds LEFT JOIN Transactions
ON Funds.FundID = Transactions.FundID
GROUP BY Funds.FundID, FundAmount;

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

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