Totaling rows & columns in the same cell



I need to ensure the total in specific rows add up to the total of
column - so that the total for both, if equal, appear in the same cell
For example I need the total in cell G19: to add certain rows such as
if equal to the sum of
If not equal I need to receive an error message. How do I do this

Pete JM

You could try =IF(SUM(C19,E19,F19)=SUM(G1:G18),"True","Error")

You can replace the "True" with SUM(G1:G18) if you want the total t
apper instead.




You could also add Conditional Formatting to change the background, border
or font in the cell............would make an error easier to

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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