


I have report based on Tissue Samples, How can I total the number of "Yes"
Tissues Sent and "No" Tissues Sent

Thank you in Advance


I have report based on Tissue Samples, How can I total the number of "Yes"
Tissues Sent and "No" Tissues Sent

Thank you in Advance

Where in the report?
What Datatype is [TissueSent]? Yes/No? Text?

Add 2 unbound controls to the Report Footer section.
Assuming "Yes" or "No" as text datatype:
= Sum(IIf([TissueSent] = "Yes",1,0))
= Sum(IIf([TissueSent] = "No",1,0))

Assuming Yes or No as in a Yes/No field:
=ABS(Sum([TissueSent])) (For Yes)
=Sum([TissueSent]+1) (For No)


Assuming you have a Yes/No field in the detail section.

In the footer, create two text boxes, and set their control sources to:

=Sum(IIf(NOT [Test],1,0))

Add appropriate labels.

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