Totalling Expr1 in a report



I am using a query to calculate saving amount in a report but want to show
total savings in Report footer. I cannot get total to appear using
Sum([Expr1]) is there some other expression I should use please?



Open your report in design view and select the SavingAmount field. Open
properties and go to the data tab. Set running sum to Overall. Add a textbox
to the Report Footer and set its control source to =[SavingAmount]. The
textbox will show total savings.

Note: The savings amount field must be named SavingAmount.

(e-mail address removed)

Duane Hookom

Why Expr1? Do yourself a favor and give your columns real names. It would
help to know the calculation that creates the column. I expect it might be
returning a string value rather than a number. When you view the datasheet
view is Expr1 left or right-aligned? If it is left aligned, you have create a
text/string expression which can't be summed or averaged.

If you provided the calculation, we could probably suggest a solution like
wrapping the expression in the Val() function to convert your calculation to

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