Totally Turning off Screen Display, Pt. 2



I followed Jay Freedman's advice about using:

Dim oRg As Range
Set oRg = ActiveDocument.Range
With oRg.Find
' ...
End With

to reduce flashing. That advice works well, but when I need to check on
certain values, I need more help. I need to check certain values and need to
'move' the scope of the range. I am familiar with the '.move' command, as

Selection.MoveRight Count:=alen - Len(TestText)

When I try "oRg.MoveRight count:=alen-Len(TestText)" I get an error
because oRg is a range, not a Selection object.

Apparently one cannot "MoveRight' a range, only a Selection.

Then, when I set the selection to the range (I think the command is
"oRg.Select") the screen 'jumps' and flashes as the selection is made, which
of course is what I wanted to avoid.

Is there anyway to "moveright" or "moveleft" a range to increase its

-Ed (in Virginia)

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