totals between two dates



I have a query with the following fields: date, invoice, client, expenses,
I need to know the total of the invoice (and expenses and hours) between two
dates (the dates will be eneterd with a parametric query).

I already made a parametric query for "client" and for "date", but my
problem is that with "date" I get the dates' list (every row is a different
date) and not the total, I need only to know the amount of "invoice",
"expenses" and "hours" between the two choosen dates.

Thanks is advance.


Jeff Boyce

Have you been using a "Totals" query?

Could you post the SQL statement of your query?

John Spencer (MVP)

You can't display the dates in the result and you need to change the totals
choice under the date field to WHERE instead of Group By.


John Spencer (MVP) said:
You can't display the dates in the result and you need to change the totals
choice under the date field to WHERE instead of Group By.

Thank you, it worked (it took me a little while to figure it out, didn't
know the "where" thing).


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