Totals from subform



Hello, I'm new to Access and am having difficulty getting
one last bit to work. >:eek:(

I'm creating a purchase order system. I have a subform
which contains all the items and their totals. I would
like to display the total of all items on the order. I've
tried following the Northwind Database example but can't
seem to get this to work for me.

On my subform in the footer I have a textbox OrderTotal
with the control source set to '=Sum([Sub_Total])' and on
the main form I have '=[Item Subform].Form!OrderTotal'
which I think is the way it is done on the Northwind
system (unless I have misunderstood this)? I used the
expression builder to select the forms and fields so I
don't think it's a spelling thing but basically my totals
box comes up blank.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Anyone point me in the
right direction?

Many thanks



It's OK, I figured it out. As I was dangling the PC out of
the window having threatened it with a little percussive
engineering I realised that I couldn't used a calculated
value (SubTotal) but instead had to recalculate everything
in my total. Therefore I now have OrderTotal '=Sum
[Vat_Rate]/100))'. Seems to work OK - provided my maths
isn't as bad as my Access programming.

Thank God it's the weekend - computers are too hard!!!


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