Totals in detail line and in the Footer, Help



Hi, All
Report Record Source is Query.
Here is query, all credits to (Chris2)

TRANSFORM Nz(COUNT(TempTicks.TicketNo),0) AS CountOfTick
SELECT TempTicks.Shield
FROM TempTicks
GROUP BY TempTicks.Shield
PIVOT fWeekdayName(DatePart("w",TempTicks.IssueDate)) & " " &

Sheld Sunday 09/17/2007 Monday 09/11/2007 ....Total
999 35 45 80 ?
111 60 15 75
Total 95 ? 60 ? 155 ?

How can i set "Control source" property for the Text box in
detail line for the record and then in the footer for each column?
Is it possible at all?
I am using VB 6.0 to print report.
Please, help

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