Totals when reporting by month


Glenn Eldridge


I am trying to generate a Project report that totals a "number" column in a report that categorizes by month. I can show report totals if the report is not by month. I am using Proj 2003.

Any ideas short of exporting?


Hi Glenn,

Could you give us some more details? What report are you trying to produce
and what "number" column are you trying to total? I was able to take several
of the existing Project reports (Cash Flow, Who Does What When) produce
totals by month without exporting.


Glenn Eldridge

Actually, I intended on the generalities so I could apply the method to
several of my reports. Here's what I want to do in my milestone report. I
want to total a number column that sets a 0 (not yet due), 1 (missed), or 2
(completed) for each milestone. I want the report to show a total after each
month, within the report then a grand total at the and of the report.

Once I learn how to do that, I need to figure out how to add a results line
that shows the overall health of the project via status indicators. I know
the formula, just don't know how to do the sub and grand totals, when the
report is broken-up into months.


Glenn Eldridge
IT Project Manager
UOP: (e-mail address removed)
Personal: (e-mail address removed)
Home Yahoo IM: Glenn_UOP
Work Yahoo IM: Glenn_HN
Cell phone: 805-258-1709 (weekdays)
Home phone: 805-485-4108 (nites / weekends)


Hi Glenn,

Thanks for the clarification. I begin to understand better now your
scenario and see why you were having difficulty. The milestone report is not
a time-phased report such as the Cash Flow or Who Does What When Report which
can easily show column totals of data by month based upon the time-phased
When you format the milestone report to show you milestones by month,
Project is just grouping the milestone tasks by month for display purposes.

If I understand you correctly, you want to be able to run a count by
grouping (per month)based upon your criteria and then a total for the entire
report. To the best of my knowledge, totaling by month in this type of
report is not possible within project. The only suggestion I can come up
with is an export to excel.

Perhaps there is someone else within the community who sees something I don't.

Sorry I wasn't able to assist further. I'll keep pondering and repost if an
idea strikes.


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