Tough One - Return output from Dos Process without writing to file



Hi All,

Does anyone know of an approach that could be used to return the output of a
dos command without having to create a temporary file.

I am currently using the following dos command as part of a "Shell"

ping localhost > temp.txt

I can only find solutions that seem to only work in .net and I need
something for good old VBA

Thanks in advance



Tom - thanks for the suggestion but I don't actually want to be able to ping
I actually need to return output from a 3rd party app but thought my example
would be more helpful.

As another example how would I return the information produced by the
command DIR?

Tom Ogilvy

If your shelling to the app then I doubt there is a way to get anything back
except perhaps a result code which would most likely be zero.


Thanks John - That seems to be only for windows script - do you know of any
code that will work in VBA? Or can you use VB script within an excel file?


You can use the windows script within vba. Just reference the windows script
host object model wshom.ocx - should be in the system32 directory.

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