I would like to create something so entries that are received for a
tournament are entered into a "form" and based on info entered, would
automatically put that entry into the correct placement. (i.e., womens A or
AA, vs mens A or AA). Then the information from that would automatically
bracket these players onto the correct bracket.
We currently are using an Excel spreadsheet that was created by a person who
didn't use computers very often.
Would Access be better for something like this?
The fields will be players name, event, ranking, payment, payment method, etc.
tournament are entered into a "form" and based on info entered, would
automatically put that entry into the correct placement. (i.e., womens A or
AA, vs mens A or AA). Then the information from that would automatically
bracket these players onto the correct bracket.
We currently are using an Excel spreadsheet that was created by a person who
didn't use computers very often.
Would Access be better for something like this?
The fields will be players name, event, ranking, payment, payment method, etc.