Township Range map in Excel



Has anyone heard of an add-in or has anyone developed code where a
township-range map can be drawn in Excel by extracting data from the legal
description such as the following:
T155 R95 Sec30: NW4

Each cell in a worksheet represents a 40 acre quarter of a quarter section.
Ideally the above legal description would color the corresponding cells in
the worksheet. For example, the above legal description would color the
following cells with X's (A1 through B2, the NW quarter) a certain color:

--- --- --- ---
1 | | | | |
| X | X | | |
--- --- --- ---
2 | | | | |
| X | X | | |
--- --- --- --- <Section
3 | | | | |
| | | | |
--- --- --- ---
4 | | | | |
| | | | |
--- --- --- ---

This would be one section of 36 sections in a township. Any and all
suggestion are welcome.

Bernie Deitrick


If you can better describe the relationship between legal descriptions and cell coloring, it is
certainly do-able. How, for example, did you choose A1:B2 based on the example? A township is 36
square miles (6x6), and each square mile is 4x4 in terms of 40 acre plots (16 x 40 = 640 acres/sq
mi),The whole township could be shown in a 24x24 grid - 23,040 acres, in 576 40 acre plots, or you
could use 12 x 12 to show quarters - If you are plotting at the quarter level, why do you want to
show it as 4 cells (40 acre plots) instead of just one cell (the quarter)?

MS Excel MVP


Thanks for the response. First off, I don't know if my grid shows up
correctly. I'm guessing not. Each cell is a 40 acre quarter of a quarter
section. Cells A1 through B2 would then represent the NW4. A1 is NW4NW4, B1
is NE4NW4, etc. My Excel township is a 24 X 24 grid, as you pointed out. I'd
like the color on the map (grid) to match the interior color of the cell
containing the legal description. I hope this is all do-able. Thanks

Bernie Deitrick

This was your example:

T155 R95 Sec30: NW4

How do I go from that to:
A1 is NW4NW4, B1 is NE4NW4, etc.

Perhaps just the NW4?

Anyway, try this: Enter your tax map id
T155 R95 Sec30: NW4
in cell AA1.

Then, create a table in A101:X124 with the descriptors NW4, etc. entered in each.

Then for cells A1:X24 (your township map), format them with a green fill, and then use something
like this formula in Format / Conditional Formatting.... with the Formula Is option:

=COUNTIF($AA$1, "*" & A101 & "*")>0

and set your CF fill to some color, say red.

MS Excel MVP

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