trace precendants vs undo feature



Has anyone experienced losing the "undo" feature
immediately after using "trace precendants" in their
worksheets? This problem is repeatable using the toolbar

I'm using Office XP Small Business and it doesn't appear
to have the undohistory key in the registry so I can't
set there it like previous versions of Excel (to ensure I
keep the history of cell changes).

Please let me know if there's a solution to this.

Dave Peterson

There are somethings that reset the undo stack (like most macros).

It looks to me like tracing precedents is one of those features, too.
(File|Save does it, too.)


Thanks for your reply. Is there a way to control this or
is Microsoft planning to correct this? In a complex
worksheet, this presents a real problem because I don't
want to save the worksheet until I know it's correct.

Dave Peterson

My bet is that MS doesn't see it as a problem to correct.

But you could send an email to (e-mail address removed) asking for an enhancement.


Thanks, I'll do this. It's been a real nightmare for me
to work on this worksheet because I don't know where the
error is. :)

Dana DeLouis

Hi Nancy. Just to mention. The "UndoHistory" key is not there by default.
I believe you have to add it. However, I don't think this will help in your
situation. Like Dave mentioned, many things reset the Undo History.
Another one is the "AutoRecover" feature under Tools, Options, Save Tab, and
having a check on "Save AutoRecover info..." Mine is set to on. So, every
10 minutes...the Undo History clears itself. :>(

One option I have done in the past is used a Macro that ran every 10 minutes
(using Application.OnTime) and used "ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs ..."
CurrentFile & (Date & Time) Stamp. So, when working on a workbook, I would
have a few backup copies of the workbook in a special folder. When I
finished, I would clear out the folder of all those copies. It worked
really well.

XL: How to Modify the Number of Undo Levels;en-us;211922&Product=xlw

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