Track Changes: Deleting vs. Moving a Passage



I spend a lot of time editing other peoples' documents, and part of that
often involves moving large portions of text around in a document. As far as
I know, there's no way for track changes to differentiate between text that's
been moved (e.g., by cutting and pasting) vs. text that's been deleted and

This means that if I cut and paste a paragraph into another portion of a
document, Word sees it all as "new text" and any subsequent changes to the
text are not visible, since the entire paragraph is marked.

It would be nice if Word could differentiate between moved and
deleted/inserted text.

(And yes, I know I can work around this by not tracking the move - but then
the movement doesn't show up as a change, either).

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Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?SmVu?=,

Word 2007 does do this.
I spend a lot of time editing other peoples' documents, and part of that
often involves moving large portions of text around in a document. As far as
I know, there's no way for track changes to differentiate between text that's
been moved (e.g., by cutting and pasting) vs. text that's been deleted and

This means that if I cut and paste a paragraph into another portion of a
document, Word sees it all as "new text" and any subsequent changes to the
text are not visible, since the entire paragraph is marked.

It would be nice if Word could differentiate between moved and
deleted/inserted text.

(And yes, I know I can work around this by not tracking the move - but then
the movement doesn't show up as a change, either).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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