track changes deletions missing




Everything I read about Word 2002 says that with "track changes" on,
deletions should show as either balloons in print layout or as strikethroughs
with the balloons turned off. And I'm pretty sure this version of Word used
to do that, but it seems to have quit showing the strikethroughs. Deletions
appear in the balloons, but once balloons are turned off, deletions don't
appear at all (except in the Revision Pane). The marked-up text shows
insertions and formatting changes, but deletions simply aren't there. Has
anyone encountered this? Is it an error in Word or is there some setting I
can change to make the deletions appear?

Thank you for your help,


Suzanne S. Barnhill

It's possible that some patch has this effect. I know that my experience in
Word 2002 was that deletions showed up as strikethrough in Normal view (and
in Print Layout view with balloons disabled), but *many* other users
complained about the lack of strikethrough formatting, to the point that I
began to question my sanity (or at least decide that once more I seemed to
be "charmed").

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