Track changes on when template is opened



I have created a template it Word 2003. It contains paragraph styles
on which will be used on some of our documents. When I opened the
original document on which I've based the template, track changes was
turned on. I turned them off and carried on creating my template. I
saved the template with the track changes turned off but now every time
I open the template the track changes are on! Any ideas?

Shauna Kelly

Hi Jacqui

You may have to muck around a bit to get this setting to stick. But for a
start, try this:

1. Close Word and then re-open it.
2. Do File > Open and open your template. That is, don't create a new
document from your template: you must open the .dot file.
3. Make sure track changes is off.
4. Make a minor change (eg spacebar then backspace).
5. Save the template.
6. Close Word and then re-open it.

Now, try to create a new document based on your template.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.


This works Shanua, thanks. The tracking is still on when I open the
template directly, as I am still adding things to it, but seems to be
fine when I open a doc based on it so that's the main thing. Thanks
for your help.

Shauna Kelly

Hi Jacqui

When you've finished working on your template, make absolutely sure that
there are no un-accepted changes in the template and then turn off track
changes. Leaving un-accepted changes in a template can have some bizarre

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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