Track Changes won't go away - Word 2002



I'm having a problem with a few documents that have the "track changes"
turned on. For some reason, I can't seem to turn the option off. I've read
some of the other post here that say accept all changes first and to check
the, but I haven't had any luck.

I have gone into the files, both .rtf and .doc, and accepted all changes.
There aren't any changes to begin with, but I do the accept anyway. Then
I'll turn off the "track changes" option, save, and close the document. When
I open it back up again, the "track changes" is turned on once more. Again,
there aren't any changes in the document. I've even done a "Veiw Markup" and
a "Print Preview" to verify this.

When I create new documents from the template, "track changes" is
turned off by default, so it's not a problem there. And when I open other
existing documents, "track changes" is off there as well.

Does anyone have other suggestions?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Have they perhaps been marked up with some third-party add-in such as

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