Track Changes




Before word 2002, users are able to view and print deleted
text by replacing them with signs like ^, can they do the
same for word 2002? Other than the balloon check box,
there seemed to have no option to change this.


Greg Maxey


You can use the following macro. I have included several different options
that you can activate or deactivate (there are more).

Sub TrackChanges()
' TrackChanges Macro. Thanks Shuana!!
' Alter the which lines run by adding or removing (the apostrophe) before
' each line. To return control to Word Track Changes dialog simply make
' using the track changes dialog box.

With Application.Options
.RevisedLinesMark = wdRevisedLinesMarkOutsideBorder
.RevisedLinesColor = wdAuto
.DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkCaret
' .DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkStrikeThrough
.DeletedTextColor = wdRed
' .DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkHidden
.InsertedTextMark = wdInsertedTextMarkItalic
.InsertedTextColor = wdBlue
' .InsertedTextMark = wdInsertedTextMarkColorOnly
' .InsertedTextColor = wdAuto
' .RevisedPropertiesMark = wdRevisedPropertiesMarkColorOnly
' .RevisedPropertiesColor = wdAuto
.RevisedPropertiesMark = wdRevisedPropertiesMarkColorOnly
.RevisedPropertiesColor = wdViolet

End With
End Sub

For help installing macros see:

( @ @ )
Greg Maxey
A peer in "peer to peer" support
Rockledge, FL


-----Original Message-----

You can use the following macro. I have included several different options
that you can activate or deactivate (there are more).

Sub TrackChanges()
' TrackChanges Macro. Thanks Shuana!!
' Alter the which lines run by adding or removing (the apostrophe) before
' each line. To return control to Word Track Changes dialog simply make
' using the track changes dialog box.

With Application.Options
.RevisedLinesMark = wdRevisedLinesMarkOutsideBorder
.RevisedLinesColor = wdAuto
.DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkCaret
' .DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkStrikeThrough
.DeletedTextColor = wdRed
' .DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkHidden
.InsertedTextMark = wdInsertedTextMarkItalic
.InsertedTextColor = wdBlue
' .InsertedTextMark = wdInsertedTextMarkColorOnly
' .InsertedTextColor = wdAuto
' .RevisedPropertiesMark = wdRevisedPropertiesMarkColorOnly
' .RevisedPropertiesColor = wdAuto
.RevisedPropertiesMark = wdRevisedPropertiesMarkColorOnly
.RevisedPropertiesColor = wdViolet

End With
End Sub

For help installing macros see:

( @ @ )
Greg Maxey
A peer in "peer to peer" support
Rockledge, FL

Thanks Greg

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