Tracking changes - Font Size in Comment Bubbles


Lisa Glase


I was wondering if anyone knows how to increase the FONT size in the comment
bubbles and sideline notations in Tracking Changes, Windows XP Pro Word 2003
version? I tried right-clicking and everything else, but nothing seems to
give me that option. The typing is very small and hard to see when typing
the bubbles. Thanks!


In Word, click on Format | Styles and Formatting | Show: Custom, and
modify the Comment Text style. Check the "Add to template" box if you
want the modified style to apply to all documents, or else the modified
style will only apply to the current document.

Hi Ho Silver

Interesting...I have used a right-click|Font in the comment bubble and it
allows one to change almost everything except the size....also it seems that
if you do choose another size (with right-click|Font), it will show the new
size in the Reviewing Pane, but the default size in the bubble
itself....gosh, the things you find out.......

Lisa Glase

Thanks a million!

garfield-n-odie said:
In Word, click on Format | Styles and Formatting | Show: Custom, and
modify the Comment Text style. Check the "Add to template" box if you
want the modified style to apply to all documents, or else the modified
style will only apply to the current document.

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