Tracking Changes Won't Go Away!


Jim In Minneapolis

Here's a weird one . . . (Word 2003)

I created simple one-page document. It looks fine in "print" view. I saved
the file.
But now, whenever I OPEN the document . . . it has all my previous EDITING
actions indicated in RED BALLOONS on the right margin, or highlighted red

I did not intentionally turn on "track changes", but it sure looks like
that's whats in this document now!

I can TEMPORARILY turn-off the ON-SCREEN display of these changes, by
clicking "View" then UN-checking "Markup."

Then I save the file.

But as soon as I RE-open the document, the page once again displays in
"MARKUP" view . . . with all these ugly changes.

I've also sent this particular document to a friend, and the SAME thing
happens on his PC (the default view is with all these 'hidden' tracked

QUESTION: How the )(*#$)(* can I *COMPLETELY REMOVE* all these "tracked
changes" . . . and then SAVE the file . . . so NO chanages/edits are
displayed to ANY user (including myself) . . . in ANY circumstance? (i.e.
just DELETE them all . . and return to once again to a simple
"no-hidden-comment" document?)

QUESTION #2: How in the world did this "track changes" feature get turned
ON in the first place? (Some mysteriou shortcut key accidentally invoked)?

Thanks for anybody's help.

PS: I can send you the file as an email ATTACHMENT if you'll give me your
direct email address. What do you think?

Jim In Minneapolis

Thanks so much Suzanne

You've solved my problem wonderfully.

As explained in that article, the trick was to click on the Reviewing
toolbar and turn OFF all the "show" features . . . then resave the file.

God bless you.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

No, that is not the trick at all. The markup is still there. You have to
actually accept all the changes if you want it gone.

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