Tracking Expenses


Mickey Mouse

I have a list of expenses, some of these expenses are electricity bills.
I have a column A 'Date', column B "Description", next column C is 'Amount'
and next D column is 'Paid'.
There are several entries for electricity mixed in with other entries such
as registration, petrol, insurance etc

I'd like excel (2002) to search column B and calculate all the entries for
electricity only so I can display the total. Is a macro the only way to
achieve this? I'm not familiar with macro's YET.


Roger Govier


One way

Instead of putting the word Electricity in the formula, you could use a
cell reference where you had entered the word Electricity, e.g in cell
then enter in cell F2

Now, if you enter other expense types in G1, H1 etc. and drag the
formula across you will get the totals for other categories.

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