Tracking fixed work schedules



My first post ever on a forum...

I would like to enter the hours spent per day per atsk or eac
resourse, and have ms p calculate everything else while the work amoun
entered for the task remains constant


Hi JPenny,

If you have created your tasks and resources and assigned resource
to tasks, Project has calculated the work as well as the number of
hours of work per day per resource on the task. You can view the
information in either the Task Usage view (organized by task) or the
Resource Usage view (organized by resource.) You can also track
Actual work in either view.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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information about Microsoft Project


I have tried to format those two views specifically to track my project
but when i enter something other than what project had projected, say
hours a day instead of 8, ms p changes "work" and not "duration".
i found that if i clicked the resource and changed the "actual work" t
something other than zero, then it will change the duration up to tha
amount, and not change "work". do i have to do this for every resourc
every day or week, before i enter it into the specific task to updat
the duration of the project? i was hoping there was a view i haven
been able ot see yet that would let me enter the amount of time th
resource worked on the a task, and automaticaly update the percen
complete, durations, project finish dates, etc


Hi JPenny,

You should be supplying Actual Work when tracking. If you had a
resource scheduled for 8 hours of work and enter 4 hours of Actual
Work, Project will assume the remaining 4 hours still need to be

What you want ...
a view i havent
been able ot see yet that would let me enter the amount of time
resource worked on the a task, and automaticaly update the percent
complete, durations, project finish dates, etc.

is already there. Add Actual work to the right side(timescaled
side) of the Task Usage view through Format > Details and Select
"Actual Work". You can change the timescale through zooming in or
out and enter Actual Work on a daily or weekly basis. Entering
Actual Work will automatically update Remaining Work, Actual Cost,
Actual and Remaining Duration, % Work complete, % Complete, Actual
Start and Actual Finish.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit for the FAQs and additional
information about Microsoft Project


That was the ticet. I was close. thank you very much for givin me tha
little push over the edge. as i forge forward with the structuring, i
sure ill run into more questions, but you really helped me get the bal
rolling. It took me a while to find this forum. im really glad i did


Super JPenny. Do post back in the future should you have any more

Glad to have helped and thanks for the feedback.



Well Julie, ive been playin with my shecduling and now im not so sure i
went about it the right way. i work on multiple projects with multiple
resourses that dont spend all thier time on any one project or one task
for any duration. but when i alocate my resourses to multiple task
within a project, ms p makes them over alocated. what are my options
when allocating resourse that may only be there for one day or more than
one task per day?


Hi JPenny,

Overallocation occurs either because you have a resource assigned at
above his/her max. units to a single task, or more commonly because
you have the resource assigned to multiple tasks which overlap in
time. If you need the resource to work on multiple tasks
simultaneously, you'll need to change the assignment units so the
total assignment units on that day do not exceed the max. units for
the resource.

I suggest taking a read of Mike Glen's excellent series of
articles/tutorials about Microsoft Project. You can find Mike's
articles linked from:'s_tutorials.htm

Article 5 in particular addresses assignment of resources including
overallocation explanations.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit for the FAQs and additional
information about Microsoft Project

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