Tracking Task Progress without Time and/or effort Factor!



I want to track how many tasks have been achieved without computing
time and/or effort factor. For example I have two main task and each has
ten sub tasks. If subtask is competed I just wanted mark as task
achieved. I don’t want to include any time or effort factor while
determining my overall complete task. So end of the day I can able to
how many task is accomplished.

For Solution I need simple formula but I am unable to figure out.

One more I need help regarding task indicators; I am not sure this
could be achievable; I need to have three indicators for each task; for
not started task (Red); orange (in progress) & green for completed task.
If all subtasks is completed parent task's indicator should change from
orange to green. Indicators should be able to change by mouse click
(without typing anything).

i only want to track task without time & effort factor; I’ll highly
appreciate if someone can lead me to right direction.

Mike Glen

Hi ans7i,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

What formulae have you tried? I've an example with costs in my article
below. Try using %complete = in your formula. You might like to have a
look at my series on Microsoft Project in the TechTrax ezine, particularly
#15 on customization, at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the article before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Jim Aksel

As for the second part of your question, try inserting the "status indicator"
column or the "status" column.

It will identify tasks that are "complete", "On Schedule", "Late" or "Future
Task". I also have some comments on my blog, see the link below. You want to
look for my article on "Red Amber Green" charts.
If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.

Jim Aksel, MVP

Check out my blog for more information:


Hi, thank you for reply. I tried to get workaround for my problem by
using %complete formula but I can't able to solve what I am looking for.
In my case i am ignoring all the variables like time, cost etc. so I
don’t know how I can use this formula with just task list.

Thank you,

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