Tracking Time



Hi all,

i want to build a time tracking function in order to track each occasion a
record in Table A is being updated. Table B stores the Time, Now(), Name,
fOSUserName() and a field related to the Key field of table A.
When a record in the form related to table A is updated (on the Before
update event) i want this to be recorded in Table B...
Do i need a separate form (not visible) to capture this data or can i code
Form A, on the Before Update event or on the Close event, to update the
related record in Table B?



Hi Peter

What you are trying to do is not complicated. You use the before update
event to write the change to a separate table. I use two tables. If it is
not a memo field, it goes in one table where every changed field is treated
as a text field. If it is a memo field it goes in another table.

I did a cut and paste from an application I used. This is what is in each

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim intKey As Integer '
Primary Key Value
Dim strKeyName As String ' Table
name of the primary key in the form
Dim strOptional As String ' Option
1 for additional data
Dim strFormName As String ' Full
form name including reference to parent forms if a subform

On Error GoTo Error_Form_BeforeUpdate

'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change for each form
strKeyName = "tblPeople.PersonNo" ' Table
Name of the field for the Primary key
intKey = Me.PersonNo ' PK
value on the form
strOptional = "Person changed was " & Me.txtName '
Cancatenated Descriptio

' Find the form name. Check if it is a subform and add the name to the
strFormName = Me.Name ' Name
of the form
Set frmToCheck = Me ' Name
of this form

' Examine the form to see if it is a subform. Create a cancatenated
string of the form!subform name
If funIsSubForm(frmToCheck) = True Then ' Check
if it is a subform
strFormName = Me.Parent.Name & "!" & strFormName ' Add
the parent to the string
GoTo CheckSubForm
End If

' Run the update routine
Call funLogTrans(Me, _
intKey, _
strFormName, _
strKeyName, _
' Me is the form passing the information
' MyKey is the value of the PK
' strFormName is the name of the form being
modified including full path for subforms
' strKeyName is the name of the Primary Key
field in the table e.g. "tblPeople.PersonNo"
' strOptional1 is the cancatenated descriptive

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error in Form_BeforeUpdate: " & Err.Number & " - " &
Resume Exit_Form_BeforeUpdate
End Sub

This is in a separate module.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public frmToCheck As Form

Public Function funLogTrans(frm As Form, _
intKey As Integer, _
strFormName As String, _
strKeyName As String, _
Optional strOptional As String) _
As Boolean
' Frm is the form passing the information
' intKey is the value of the PK
' strFormName is the name of the form being
modified including full path for subforms
' strKeyName is the name of the Primary Key
field in the table e.g. "tblPeople.PersonNo"
' strOptional1 is the cancatenated descriptive
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim ctlCtrl As Control
Dim MyMsg As String
Dim strHist As String
Dim lngOldValue As Long
Dim lngNewValue As Long

' Loop through controls to find ones that changed
For Each ctlCtrl In frm.Controls
If (funActiveCtrl(ctlCtrl)) Then ' Check
it is an updateable control
If IsNoOldValue(ctlCtrl) = True Then ' Is
the oldvalue valid for this control
If ctlCtrl.Enabled = True Then ' Is
the control enabled.
If ((ctlCtrl.Value <> ctlCtrl.OldValue) _
Or (IsNull(ctlCtrl) And Not IsNull(ctlCtrl.OldValue)) _
Or (Not IsNull(ctlCtrl) And IsNull(ctlCtrl.OldValue)))
lngNewValue = Len(IIf(IsNull(ctlCtrl), 0, ctlCtrl))
lngOldValue = Len(IIf(IsNull(ctlCtrl.OldValue), 0,
If lngOldValue > 255 Or lngNewValue > 255 Then
' If a memo, write to that table
strHist = "tblHistMemo"
' Memo table
strHist = "tblHist"
' Non memo table
End If

' This function creates new history records
Call funAddHist(strHist, _
intKey, _
strFormName, _
strKeyName, _
ctlCtrl, _

' strHist = Select which table to
enter data into
' MyKey is the value of the PK
' strFormName is the name of the
form being modified including full path for subforms
' strKeyName is the name of the
Primary Key field in the table e.g. "tblPeople.PersonNo"
' ctlCtrl is the control that changed
' strOptional1 is the cancatenated
descriptive string
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next ctlCtrl

funLogTrans = True 'Let
User know sucess

End Function

Public Function funActiveCtrl(ctl As Control) As Boolean
' This function checks what type of control is being examined. If it is not
an updateable type of control, it
' sets the function to false.

Select Case ctl.ControlType
Case Is = acTextBox
funActiveCtrl = True

Case Is = acLabel
Case Is = acRectangle
Case Is = acLine
Case Is = acImage
Case Is = acCommandButton
Case Is = acOptionButton
Case Is = acCheckBox
funActiveCtrl = True

Case Is = acOptionGroup
Case Is = acBoundObjectFrame
Case Is = acListBox
funActiveCtrl = True

Case Is = acComboBox
funActiveCtrl = True

Case Is = acSubform
Case Is = acObjectFrame
Case Is = acPageBreak
Case Is = acPage
Case Is = acCustomControl
Case Is = acToggleButton
Case Is = acTabCtl

End Select

End Function

Public Function funAddHist(strHist As String, _
intKey As Integer, _
strFormName As String, _
strKeyName As String, _
ctlCtrl As Control, _
Optional strOptional As String)
' strHist = Select which table to enter data into
' MyKey is the value of the PK
' strFormName is the name of the form being
modified including full path for subforms
' strKeyName is the name of the Primary Key
field in the table e.g. "tblPeople.PersonNo"
' ctlCtrl is the name of the control that changed
' strOptional1 is the cancatenated descriptive

' This function creates new history records

Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim tblHistTable As DAO.Recordset

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set tblHistTable = dbs.OpenRecordset(strHist, dbOpenDynaset) ' Open
either the memo or normal history table

With tblHistTable
!DateChange = Now()
!PersonNo = Forms!frmMenu.txtUserPersonNo
!FormName = strFormName
!KeyName = strKeyName
!Key = intKey
!FieldName = ctlCtrl.Name
' !UserId = Environ("Username") 'To pick up the environmental
user ID
!OldValue = ctlCtrl.OldValue
!NewValue = ctlCtrl.Value
!Optional = strOptional
End With

End Function

Public Function funAddHistSQLUpdate _
(strFormName As String, _
strPK As String, _
intKey As Integer, _
strFieldName As String, _
strOldValue As String, _
strNewValue As String, _
Optional strOptional As String)
' strFormName is the name of the form being
modified including full path for subforms
' strPK is the name of the Primary Key field in
the table e.g. "tblPeople.PersonNo"
' intKey is the value of the PK
' strFieldName is the name of the control that
' strOldValue is the old value
' strNewValue is the new value
' strOptional is the cancatenated descriptive

Dim lngNewValue As Long
Dim lngOldValue As Long
Dim strHist As String

' Decide which table to insert the records
lngNewValue = Len(NewValue)
lngOldValue = Len(OldValue)
If lngOldValue > 255 Or lngNewValue > 255 Then ' If a memo,
write to that table
strHist = "tblHistMemo" ' Memo table
strHist = "tblHist" ' Non memo
End If

' This function creates new history records
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim tblHistTable As DAO.Recordset

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set tblHistTable = dbs.OpenRecordset(strHist, dbOpenDynaset) ' Open
either the memo or normal history table

With tblHistTable
!DateChange = Now()
!PersonNo = Forms!frmMenu.txtUserPersonNo
!FormName = strFormName
!KeyName = strPK
!Key = intKey
!FieldName = strFieldName
' !UserId = Environ("Username") 'To pick up the environmental
user ID
!OldValue = strOldValue
!NewValue = strNewValue
!Optional = strOptional
End With

End Function

Public Function IsNoOldValue(ctlTest As Control) As Boolean
' Checks to see if the old value is valid for this control. If the field is
a linked field, there will be no value
' There is an article at

Dim strTestValue As String
On Error Resume Next
strTestValue = ctlTest.OldValue
IsNoOldValue = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function

Sub WriteHistory(strTableName As String, strPK As String, strFieldName As
String, strFormName As String, _
Optional strWhere As String, Optional blnMoreUpdates As

Dim rstOld As Recordset ' The old data from the temp
Dim rstNew As Recordset ' The new data from the real
Dim strOldTable As String ' SQL to retrieve old data
and populate the recordset
Dim strNewTable As String ' SQL to retrieve new data
and populate the recordset
Dim strCriteria As String ' The criteria to find the
new record
Dim strTempTable As String ' The name of the temporary
Dim intKey As Integer ' Value of the primary key
Dim strOldValue As String ' Value before the change
Dim strNewValue As String ' Value after the change
Dim strOptional As String ' Optional information
Dim dbs As Database
Dim fld As Field ' Used to loop through all
the fields in a record

On Error GoTo Error_WriteHistory

strTempTable = "temp" & strTableName ' Name of the temporary
table with the old data

' Create SQL statements for each recordset
strOldTable = "SELECT * " & " FROM " & strTempTable & _
" WHERE " & strTempTable & "." & strWhere
strNewTable = "SELECT * " & " FROM " & strTableName & _
" WHERE " & strTableName & "." & strWhere

' Create the recordsets
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rstOld = dbs.OpenRecordset(strOldTable)
Set rstNew = dbs.OpenRecordset(strNewTable)

' Handle the situation where there is no old record. This is a new
monthly record
If rstOld.EOF = True Then
intKey = rstNew.Fields(strPK)
strOptional = ""

' Loop through the fields and put a 0 in the old record field
For Each fld In rstNew.Fields
strOldValue = 0 ' Old value
(was null as there was no record)
strNewValue = fld ' New value
strFieldName = fld.Name ' Field name

If strOldValue <> strNewValue Then ' Check if
there is a new value or whether it is blank
Call funAddHistSQLUpdate _
(strFormName, _
strPK, _
intKey, _
strFieldName, _
strOldValue, _
strNewValue, _
strOptional) ' Add a
history record
End If

blnMoreUpdates = False ' No more
updates so delete the temp table
GoTo After_Write ' Skip the
update for existing records
End If

' Handles the situation where there is an old record. Compare values
where an existing record exists
strCriteria = strPK & " = " & rstOld.Fields(strPK) ' Create the
criteria string
rstNew.FindFirst strCriteria ' Find the
new record

While Not rstOld.EOF '
Find the old record
strCriteria = strPK & " = " & rstOld.Fields(strPK) ' Create
the criteria string
rstNew.FindFirst strCriteria '
Find the new record

For Each fld In rstNew.Fields '
Loop through the fields in the record
strFieldName = fld.Name '
Name of the field

If rstNew.Fields(strFieldName) <>
rstOld.Fields(strFieldName) Then ' Compare the records
intKey = rstNew.Fields(strPK)
strOldValue = rstOld.Fields(strFieldName)
strNewValue = rstNew.Fields(strFieldName)
strOptional = ""

Call funAddHistSQLUpdate _
(strFormName, _
strPK, _
intKey, _
strFieldName, _
strOldValue, _
strNewValue, _
End If

rstOld.MoveNext '
Move to the next record

'Clean up
Set rstNew = Nothing
Set rstOld = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing

'If finished with history updates delete the table
If blnMoreUpdates <> True Then
If funTableExists(strTableName) Then
subRunSelectQuery (strTableName) '
Delete the temporary table
End If
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_WriteHistory
End Sub

Sub subLogReport(strReportName As String)
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set tblHistoryReport = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblHistoryReport",
dbOpenDynaset) ' Open the report history table

' Create the history record
With tblHistoryReport
!DateRan = Now()
!PersonNo = Forms!frmMenu.txtUserPersonNo
!ReportName = strReportName
End With
End Sub

You might have to play with it a bit but see how it goes.


Neville Turbit

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