


Sorry for my english and for the understand of ms project.
I would automatize the tracking of ms project 2003.
I use c# and a simple web application in
The application collects the effective hours of work for emplojee on
the project every day.
Every day the employee open the page and insert the effective hours
of work on his task.
the save it in a sql server 2000 db.
When the project manager open ms project 2003 and click on button's addin
all the hours are visualized and ready to inserted on a form(of the addin).
The project manager now can apply the changes.
How now i update the project?
Must update via vba or addin the task of employee for employee adding the
hours of work , then launch the tracking?
wath the tracking button does?
Have you any idea for my application?
or links for new ideas?

Jan De Messemaeker


I have realized this application (with slight differences only) several
The fist, BIG thing is one you don't even mention.


Every day the employee open the page and insert the effective hours
of work on his task.

How do these tasks arrive in If you want Project to recognize them,
you first have export them (for instance through VBA or by all means using
the Project objects).
And you have to use in that export a parameter that is unique (several tasks
may have the sme name).
If no tasks have more than one employee working on them use Task.uniqueid
Else export assignment.uniqueid

Then how do you import the hours worked in projecyt?
VBA or any language that can refer to Project's objects can do.
Use the help on the Timescaledata method, and on the timescalevalue and
timescalevalues objects.

I don't know which "tracking button" you have in mind but it is not
necessary to write the procedure.
Hope this helps,

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:


thanks Jan.
when i speak about page i think at a db then the addin access to the
same db and update the task ,when the project manager press an apply button
in the addin form.
the project manager access to the addin by a login so i know what menager
I use db also because i register all the changes and can create a report
section with various graph rappresentation.

Jan De Messemaeker


No, NOT at all: it will recalculate a lot of things when you enter the hours
(like start and finish dates, resoruce loads...)
And if you enter actual data through teh dat base, this recalculation
happens anywy when the project manager opens his file from the DB.

It's easier to say that MS Project may recalculate about everything (except
of course the actual values you enter)
Hope this helps,

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:


Hi Jan,

I have almost the same Problem as guigio.
I get the trackinginformation from Clipboard.
But my Problem ist: How do I find out the uniqueID for the assignment
between ressource "A" and Task "B".
As soon as I know this 7digit number, I have no problem with inserting the
But I have no idea how to find out this uniqueID number. Is there perhaps a
table where they are all listed? Or can I create such a table?

Thanks for you help!

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