Traditional chinese IME for office 2003



Is there a IME for traditional chinese on office 2003?There is only a Global
IME for Office XP which microsoft says doesnt work on office 2003.I have
tried to install it and it does not install.So do you know where i can find
the IME for office 2003

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

The basic IME support for Office 2003 is provided by Windows
rather than in Office.

There is an update to certain IME languages for Office 2003
available here.

For additional information on using IMEs or other International
features in Office use the link to the Word International Features
newsgroup below.

Is there a IME for traditional chinese on office 2003?There is only a Global
IME for Office XP which microsoft says doesnt work on office 2003.I have
tried to install it and it does not install.So do you know where i can find
the IME for office 2003>>
LLet us know if this has helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP
*courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends8

A. Specific newsgroup/discussion group mentioned in this message:
or via browser:

B. MS Office Community discussion/newsgroups via Web Browser
Microsoft hosted newsgroups via Outlook Express/newsreader

Capello Moderne

Ok, I got it now.. suninfirelook- here:
I have a non-chinese version of windows XP installed and only need chinese
for websearches and writing in Word. So the following works at least for
people in my situation.
Bob Buckland got me on the right track -thanks- nevermind office, it's all
about having WINDOWS know you want to write in chinese.
What you need to do is to make sure you've installed support for chinese
from your XP cd. Then go to international language preferences. Click
languages, details, add, and choose traditional (simplified, whatever you
need) chinese.
At the bottom right corner of your screen you should now have a language
tap, that changes the language you're inputting by clicking on it 8)

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