Since I didn't get a reply from my email, dated 9/17
regarding Set Up Trailer Macro, I found a way to set up
but I'm can't seem get out of the loop.
I was able to check the Trailer Id number in the FORM
against the data in the SUBFORM. And if they don't
match ...
BEEP , MSGBOX , and force the user to enter Check Out
Trailer Date and Time in the Update Trailer Check Out form
before creating another new Trailer Check In entry.
I created a Check Trailer id# macro, with a condition to
check if
Date and Time Out IS NULL on the Trailer Check In Form
upon user entering new Trailer numbers. I added an Action
to OpenForm =Update Trailer Form and it goes directly to
the record to be updated from the Check In Trailer Form.
The user enters the Trailer id# in the unbound box, and
clicks Date and Time Out, where I have another macro
attached to update Date and Time Out field. But I'm having
a problem when I close the Update Trailer Form, the
Trailer Check In form is still open and won't allow me to
enter new records. I hit the esc key, but I continue to
receive the Msgbox " Check Trailer Date and Time Out
Field" . I have a StopMacro Action, but it doesn't seem to
work. Can someone help with figuring out how my users can
enter new records?
regarding Set Up Trailer Macro, I found a way to set up
but I'm can't seem get out of the loop.
I was able to check the Trailer Id number in the FORM
against the data in the SUBFORM. And if they don't
match ...
BEEP , MSGBOX , and force the user to enter Check Out
Trailer Date and Time in the Update Trailer Check Out form
before creating another new Trailer Check In entry.
I created a Check Trailer id# macro, with a condition to
check if
Date and Time Out IS NULL on the Trailer Check In Form
upon user entering new Trailer numbers. I added an Action
to OpenForm =Update Trailer Form and it goes directly to
the record to be updated from the Check In Trailer Form.
The user enters the Trailer id# in the unbound box, and
clicks Date and Time Out, where I have another macro
attached to update Date and Time Out field. But I'm having
a problem when I close the Update Trailer Form, the
Trailer Check In form is still open and won't allow me to
enter new records. I hit the esc key, but I continue to
receive the Msgbox " Check Trailer Date and Time Out
Field" . I have a StopMacro Action, but it doesn't seem to
work. Can someone help with figuring out how my users can
enter new records?