Training Material Required



Does anybody know where I can get some training material??

I have to deliver training on the use of MS Office to some guys in the and
have nothing to use.

All help appreciated

Bob Phillips

So why did they pick you to do it?



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


As I can use MS Products and we only wanted to refresh training that they
went externally to receive about 12 months ago, but have not used since!

Instead of people coming one at a time and asking silly questions ie how do
I sort a spreadsheet in numerical order etc. etc. we figured that if I done
a little bit of a refresher then this may eradicate said problems without
having to pay extortiante rates outside again!

Bob Phillips

It just seems to me that if you are not an experienced trainer, your chances
of doing a good job are slim. Trainers have a particular skill, that of
being able to convey information to people of differing capabilities, and
then they have to have experience in the subject they are training, and they
will normally have a toolbox of previous training courses that they can

If you have to do it, I suggest you google on 'Excel Training Material' and
see what you can glean. Without knowing your subject matter, other than MS
Office which is a bit wide, it is hard to be specific, but you are best
suited to determining what is appropriate for you.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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