Transfer A Database from another computer



I just purchased a Laptop,and I'm trying to transfer my
database data from my home computer to my laptop....they
both have access 2000.Please help

John Vinson

I just purchased a Laptop,and I'm trying to transfer my
database data from my home computer to my laptop....they
both have access 2000.Please help

Just transfer the .mdb files. If you need to write them to a CD in
order to do so, they'll be marked Read Only on the new computer;
you'll need to view their Properties in Windows Explorer and uncheck
the read-only property.

Greg Kraushaar

Just copy the YourDataBase.mdb file.
That contains everything

There are possible exceptions to this, but if you don't know how to
copy a database, they probably don't apply

The mdb file is probably in "My documents" on the old machine
It will almost certainly be a very large file, so If you can copy it
using a network connection, that would be best

Regards Greg Kraushaar
Wentworth Falls Australia
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