Transfer doc WITHOUT template??



Say I create a Word doc file on my local pc with an attached template.
The template it's attached to is also on my local system.

I then email this file to someone but do not send them the template
file that this doc is using.

What exactly happens when the recipient opens this file on their pc?
Does Word "look" for the attached template, and not finding it, pulls
the style information from the doc itself?

If this recipient looks to see what template is attached, the template
name with my (the sender) directory structure is still there.

Obviously it's a good thing that even without the attached template,
Word can preserve the document formatting for that file. However--
unless I'm missing something-- I've always thought this to be an
extremely poor way to deal with this kind of situation.

A much better system would be for Word-- upon detecting that a
template is attached but not present-- simply "warn" you of that
situation and tell you it will be using document level styles. Also,
remind you that any template level customization that might have been
present in this template (shortcuts, auto text, etc.) will not be

Or again, am I missing something?

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