Transfering Database to a new computer




I have been at this for the better part of two days. I have only an intro
to Access level of knowledge and....

I got a new computer and I am trying to transfer my database (created by a
tech I can not find)

I have spent hours today reading through these boards and have made some

I needed the regserv32 (my linked table manager was blank)

It was read only because it wasnt actually unzipped.

I now get the database on my new computer and it opens but when I clicked on
reports button, I get the following error.

'\\Slammed1\slammed\slammeddata.mdb\' is not a valid path. Make sure the
path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on
which the file resides.

If any one of you wonderful computer gods and godess's could lend me a hand
I would so appreciate it.

Meanwhile, I will be looking for my disco ball in preparation for my pity
party, lol.

your ever so discouraged jr user

Tom Wickerath

Sorry, but you get no pity party tonight! All you need to do is relink the
tables. Click on Tools > Database Utilities > Linked Table Manager. Select
the option to Always Prompt for New Location, click the Select All button,
and then press OK. Navigate to the proper location for the slammeddata.mdb
file in whichever folder that you extracted it to.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Hey Tom and Joseph,

It was on my old computer. There were more components to it. There was
one called slammed.mdb slammedlocal.mdb and slammeddata.mdb. I right
clicked them pasted them on thumb drive put on new computer, named it Slammed
Folder then relinked tables and it worked.

See above silliness LOL


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