I teach at a mostly pc university so in my labs my students use pc's to
write reports and I frequently have to transfer them to my mac.
Sometimes excel charts in their papers come up as big red X's on my
mac. In one paper I'll get one chart okay and one chart is an X, so
apparently the transfer is possible and I've been unable to figure out
the differences in what the students do such that some work and some
don't. What should I tell them to do or what can I do to ensure I get
all their charts?
write reports and I frequently have to transfer them to my mac.
Sometimes excel charts in their papers come up as big red X's on my
mac. In one paper I'll get one chart okay and one chart is an X, so
apparently the transfer is possible and I've been unable to figure out
the differences in what the students do such that some work and some
don't. What should I tell them to do or what can I do to ensure I get
all their charts?