Transfering MS Project98 data to another PC



Hi can someone tech me how to transfer all my data in
Microsoft Project 98 to another PC which also has
Microsoft Project 98 installed?
I cannot find any import or exporting tools to do so, but
I'm sure there's a way.

Please advise me..


There must be a ton of ways. Some things that come to mind.
a. Burn a CD (or other removable storage) with all your files and your
Global, if it has unique attributes (i.e. custom views, tables, etc.)
b. If connected to a LAN, transfer your files to a LAN folder and then
retrieve them with the other PC
c. If the files aren't sensitive, e-mail them to the other PC
d. I'm not sure about PCs, but with a Mac, files can be direct
transferred via Ethernet.

Hope this helps.


Thanks John,

I'll try doing as you advised.
Only problem is, I do not know which files are all the
data stored in. Are they ALL stored in one folder, or are
they distributed.
Can you please advise? Or anyone for that matter.


Steve House

All the data about a specific project is stored in one (large) file with the
extension "mpp". If you have inserted projects and/or a resource pool file,
those are normal mpp files as well linked to the project file. Templates
are in files with the extension mpt. Global objects and personal settings
are stored in the file GLOBAL.MPT. To locate the folders where your files
reside in your computer, use the Windows Search utility and scan for all
files with the filename "*.mpp".

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