Transferring autotext from old PC to new PC


Gary D

I have set up a new PC with Office 2007. The old PC had Office 2000 or 2003
How do I transfer the Autotext from the old PC to the new one ?
I believe I have to transfer some files to the building blocks folder on the
office 2007 PC ?
Any help appreciated.

Gary D

Jay Freedman

Gary said:
I have set up a new PC with Office 2007. The old PC had Office 2000
or 2003 installed.
How do I transfer the Autotext from the old PC to the new one ?
I believe I have to transfer some files to the building blocks folder
on the office 2007 PC ?
Any help appreciated.

Gary D

AutoText from Word 2003 and earlier is stored only in templates (*.dot
files). If you didn't take specific action to store them in other templates,
they're in

To transfer them to Word 2007, make a copy of any template(s) that contain
the entries. I've read recommendations that you remove any macros that are
in the copied file, although I don't have any first-hand knowledge that
that's necessary. If it's, it's a good idea to rename it to avoid

Place the copy in the folder %appdata%\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks on
the Office 2007 computer. (Using the environment variable %appdata% makes
sure you can get to the proper folder regardless of whether you have display
of hidden folders turned on.)

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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