Transferring ranges to/from arrays


Jag Man

What is the most efficient way to load data from a sheet range into an array
so I can
pass the data to a DLL function? And, to transfer the results back into
another sheet range?

That is, I want to do something like this

Sub mySub

inargs(0) = Range("x").value
inargs(1) = Range("y").value
inargs(2) = Range("z").value
ec = theDllFunction(inargs(0), outargs(0)

Range("a").Value = outargs(0)
Range("b").Value = outargs(1)
Range("c").Value = outargs(2)


The above works, but if the cells named x, y, z, and those named a, b, c,
are in a contiguous ranges it seems there must be
a more efficient way to do this.



Tom Ogilvy

Dim inargs as Variant
inargs = Range("x").Resize(3,1).Value

' inargs is a 1 to 3, 1 to 1 array (two dimensions)

Range("x").Resize(3,1).Value = outargs

Jag Man

Thanks, Tom.

What is the theory behind going to a 2-dim array here? Is it
because x, y & z are names for consecutive cells in a column?

Also, how would I pass the array to my function, which is written in C++?
With 1-dim array I use:

Private Declare Function mixerSM Lib "hvacTKDLL.dll" _
(ByRef inArgs As Double, ByRef outArgs As Double) As Long

Sub mixerDriver()
Dim inArgs(5) As Double, outArgs(6) As Double
Dim ec
inArgs(0) = Worksheets("mixer").Range("wAirEnt1").Value ' Test value
= 0.01
inArgs(1) = Worksheets("mixer").Range("wAirEnt2").Value ' Test value
= 0.005
ec = mixerSM(inArgs(0), outArgs(0))
If ec = 0 Then
Worksheets("mixer").Range("mAirEnt2").Value = outArgs(0)
Worksheets("mixer").Range("mAirEnt1").Value = outArgs(1)
End If
End Sub

But if inArgs is 2-dimensional, presumably I would do
ec = mixerSM(inArgs(0,0), outArgs(0,0))

But the compiler doesn't like it.

Sorry to be so dense....


Tom Ogilvy

You passing a point to the array. Here is an article on passing and using
safearrays - the information on the array structure is contained in the
HOWTO: Pass Arrays Between Visual Basic and C

If you have already made provisions for working with these, your function
should be picking up that information already.

When you pick up a range from a worksheet, it creates a two dimensional
array even if it is just a single column or single row.

You can convert a column array to one dimesion if you do

Dim varr as variant
varr = application.Transpose(Range("A1:A10"))

this will produce a one dimensional array of 10 elements

In most verions of excel, use of Transpose is limited to 5461 elements.
After that you will get a type mismatch error.

Tom Ogilvy

You passing a point to the array.

should say:

You are passing a pointer to the array.

Jag Man

Yes, that's what I would assume from C/C++. But, if I hand off inArgs(0,0)
isn't that the same thing?
Yet, VBA doesn't like it. Hmm.


Tom Ogilvy

One other thought

an array picked up from the worksheet like that is 1 based. so the first
element is 1,1

myarray(1 to # rows, 1 to # columns)

That has little relevance in your DLL, but at in the argument list, it

Tom Ogilvy

Jag Man said:
Yes, that's what I would assume from C/C++. But, if I hand off inArgs(0,0)
isn't that the same thing?
Yet, VBA doesn't like it. Hmm.


Jag Man

I think I have this figured out, but what I've come to isn't elegant. The
upshot is that (a) Only Variants can
be used to move data to/from ranges, (b) the functions in my DLL want ByRef
Doubles, and (c) Since one
cannot assign to arrays, the array of doubles has to be assigned on a
one-at-a-time basis.

Since I want to use the same DLL functions from other languages as well as
VBA, I don't want to go to SafeArray.

Let me know if you can disput my findings, as I could be missing something

Here is what worked:

Private Declare Function enthalpySM Lib "hvacTKDLL.dll" _
(ByRef inArgs As Double, ByRef outArgs As Double) As Long
' Trying to set up array args from sheet columns
Sub ArrayArgTest()
Dim inVars As Variant
Dim outVars As Variant
Dim inArgs(2) As Double, outArgs(1) As Double
Dim ec As Long
inVars = Range("TDb").Resize(2, 1).Value ' Get a column from sheet

'inArgs = inVars ' Won't work, as one cannot assign to array
For i = 0 To 1
inArgs(i) = inVars(i + 1, 1)
Next i

' ec = enthalpySM(inVars(1, 1), outVars(1, 1)) ' Wont work. Gives a Type
mismatch error
ec = enthalpySM(inArgs(0), outArgs(0)) ' my args must be ByRef Doubles

outVars = outArgs ' Here I can do it the easy way
Range("h").Resize(1, 1).Value = outArgs ' Put a column into the sheet
End Sub


Tom Ogilvy said:
One other thought

an array picked up from the worksheet like that is 1 based. so the first
element is 1,1

myarray(1 to # rows, 1 to # columns)

That has little relevance in your DLL, but at in the argument list, it

Alan Beban

Jag Man wrote:
.. . .The
upshot is that (a) Only Variants can
be used to move data to/from ranges . . . .

From yes, to no. The following works:

Sub testIt()
Dim arr(3) As Long
arr(1) = 1
arr(2) = 2
arr(3) = 3
Range("A1:C1").Value = arr
End Sub

Alan Beban

Jag Man


Oops! Yes, you are right. As a matter of fact, I demonstrated that in
my example. But, can you contradict my conclusion that you can't do the

inVars = Range("x").Resize(2, 1).Value
Dim inArgs(2) As Double

inArgs = inVars ' Won't work. Cannot assign to array

Thanks for your interest.


Alan Beban

Jag said:

Oops! Yes, you are right. As a matter of fact, I demonstrated that in
my example. But, can you contradict my conclusion that you can't do the

Nope (although the code below doesn't attempt to assign a range to the
array inArgs; inVars does not refer to a range, but is a Variant()

Alan Beban

Jag Man

I now believe it is impossible to avoid transferring values one-by-one both
setting up the input array and for returning the output to the sheet. I can
get the
inputs from a Range in one fell swoop, going into a Variant inVars. However,
since I need
these values in an array of doubles for my function call, and the compiler
won't allow
array assignment, I have to loop to load the inArgs array.

After the function call I can assign the outArgs array to a Variant
outVars, then
execute what one would THINK would insert the outVars into a range of cells,
but the result is not that at all; it merely replicates the first value into
those cells!
Looking at an example in John Green's book "Excel 2000 VBA" he uses
Dim outVars() As Variant for assigning into a range. However, when I do that
I am foiled again because the statement outVars = outArgs is no longer
the old "cannot assign arrays" strikes again.

Sorry for the rant, but I remember when BASIC used to be more intuitive....


Sub Driver()
Dim inVars As Variant
Dim outVars As Variant
Dim nInputs As Integer, nOutputs As Integer
nInputs = 6
nOutputs = 7
inVars = Range("$B$2").Resize(nInputs, 1).Value
Dim inArgs() As Double, outArgs() As Double
ReDim inArgs(nInputs - 1)
ReDim outArgs(nOutputs - 1)

'inArgs = inVars ' Cannot assign to array
' So must do it the hard way
For i = 0 To nInputs - 1
inArgs(i) = inVars(i + 1, 1)
Next i

ec = mixerSM(inArgs(0), outArgs(0))

outVars = outArgs ' This works
Range("$I$2").Resize(nOutputs, 1).Value = outVars ' This compiles,
but does not produce expected result

' It replicates the first outVars value in every cell!
End Sub

Jag Man


When I execute your example below I get 0, 1, 2 in the specified range.
if I change the range to "A10:A12" I get 1, 1, 1 in the specified range!

What is going on here, I wonder?


Alan Beban

In my test Module I have the Option Base 1 Statement effective, so the
first line of my code is equivalent to Dim arr(1 to 3); In your Module
you do not have the Option Base 1 Statement effective, so your code is
equivalent to Dim arr(0 to 3).

As to the second point, which also answers your post of 1:24 pm, the
array is one-dimensional and "horizontal"; therefore, to transfer it to
a vertical range you might use

Range("A10:A12").Value = Application.Transpose(arr)

Alan Beban

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