TransferText Date/Time



I am using TransferText within a macro to output a query
that contains date fields. In the query, I formatted each
field as short date.

TransferText puts out the date and time as 01/29/2004

How can I eliminate the time portion?

The utility that reads the CSV file cannot accomodate time
within the field.

I also tried building a Table and constraining the date
there before exporting. I received the same result.


I know exactly what you mean. I ran into the same thing. I am resorting to not using TransferText to do my export. I have other problems with what it outputs besides the date/time issue, so I am going to produce exactly what I want using VB code instead. See my posted question on 2/2 called "Export text file" with (7) messages. The answer from Joe Fallon is particularly helpful in this regard


----- EAF wrote: ----

I am using TransferText within a macro to output a query
that contains date fields. In the query, I formatted each
field as short date

TransferText puts out the date and time as 01/29/2004

How can I eliminate the time portion

The utility that reads the CSV file cannot accomodate time
within the field

I also tried building a Table and constraining the date
there before exporting. I received the same result

John Nurick

You can get round this by using calculated fields in the query to
convert the date fields into text formatted the way you want, e.g.

fDateField: Format([DateField], "mm/dd/yyyy")

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