Chuck W
I receive an extract from someone that comes as text file. It has fields
such as PatientNumber, AccountNumber, AdmitDate, DischargeDate, OrderSet,
Source, HF1_Numerator, HF1_Denominator......HF4_Numerator and
HF4_Denominator. What I want to do is to transform the data so that there is
one column for Numerator and one for Denominator. I also would need a new
field called Measure that would have the following four values: HF1, HF2, HF3
and HF4. I want to keep all of the other fields as is. Right now I copy the
data into Excel and do about 15 minutes of cutting and pasting. I will need
to run this often and was wondering if there was a way to transform the data
such as PatientNumber, AccountNumber, AdmitDate, DischargeDate, OrderSet,
Source, HF1_Numerator, HF1_Denominator......HF4_Numerator and
HF4_Denominator. What I want to do is to transform the data so that there is
one column for Numerator and one for Denominator. I also would need a new
field called Measure that would have the following four values: HF1, HF2, HF3
and HF4. I want to keep all of the other fields as is. Right now I copy the
data into Excel and do about 15 minutes of cutting and pasting. I will need
to run this often and was wondering if there was a way to transform the data