Transforming Standard Report Data to Excel


Tin Cup

Hi All:

I want to transfer the data from a report into Excel sheet and can not do
the same. WOuld appreciate your help. The path I use is View>
Reports>Workload> Resource Usage. I customise the report and can print.
Would like to transfer the data into excel. Thanks for your help.



Since the Resource Usage report is a timescale report, your best bet is
to use the "Analyze timescaled data in Excel" add-in/macro which is
available on the "analysis" toolbar. First set up a normal Resource
Usage view with the appropriate timescale and apply a filter if desired.
Then run the macro. You may have to re-format the data once it is in
Excel to meet your needs.

If you have VBA experience and want to go a step farther, you can write
your own custom macro to export any Project data you want to Excel and
then format it exactly as you want.


Tin Cup

Thanks John. It worked well. I was looking for a little more detail to be
exported. The Export provides me

Resource 1 : 100 hrs; 120 hrs: ...for Jan, Feb... and so on
Same way for Resource 2 and so on...

When i go into the normal Resource Usage view, for each resource there are
activities A, B, C etc.. and associated time against each activity. Then
there is a total hours row. Currently, only the total row is getting
exported, is there a way to export the next level of detail i.e. REsource 1:
Task A 20 hrs, Task B 30 hrs, Task C 50 hrs.

Thanks for the help!!

John said:
Since the Resource Usage report is a timescale report, your best bet is
to use the "Analyze timescaled data in Excel" add-in/macro which is
available on the "analysis" toolbar. First set up a view with the
appropriate timescale and apply a filter if desired.


Sorry for the mis-que about the add-in macro - it's been a while since I
played with it myself. I thought it did just the opposite, that is, gave
the detail data but not the summary. And it might just be that the
original version included with Project 98 did work that way. I can't
tell because I played with the code on my 98 version so much that I
honked it up and had to download the code from the MS website (I didn't
want to risk trying to re-install my 98 version from my CD on top of my
Project 2K).

You can get the resource sum values and the task values but you will
need perform two separate exports. Use the Resource Usage view for the
first export and then use the Task Usage view for the second export. If
you use the same timescale you can combine the resultant two worksheets.
I know it's kinda mickey mouse, but at least it will get you there. I
always write my own custom macros so I never run into these issues.


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