<if you load the workbook in another language>
I meant
if you load the workbook in another language version of Excel
Kind regards,
Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel
| If you mean the formulas: that is done automatically if you load the workbook in another language, with the exception of
| Toolpak functions ans User defined functions. Be careful with literals, like format codes in the TEXT functions, R1C1 style
| addresses in INDIRECT function, etc.
| If you mean sheer text: you'll need translation software. You can Google to find some; don't be too optimistic aboute the
| of your translations.
| --
| Kind regards,
| Niek Otten
| Microsoft MVP - Excel
| || Does anyone know how to translate an Excel 2000 workbook from German into
|| english?
|| Thanks,
|| C