I've used my normal.dot for years and carry it around on my USB flash
drive. The ribbon configuration in the new Word 2007 is awful for me.
Is there any way to get back what I had? I'm so used to my own
toolbar configurations that even though I've started grouping commands
in the quick access area at the top of the Word 2007 at the office, it
still falls extremely short of the speed that I'd get with my
normal.dot's toolbars and features.
I've been googling but haven't found much other than general info
blurbs talking about normal.dot such as this:
It only seems to talk about migrating autotext entries.
Can our normal.dot be migrated to the Word 2007 environment? Also, is
there _any_ way to get -- as sometimes is the case -- features from an
version to work? i.e., would it be possible to be able to toggle my
own toolbars? I realize that if this is even possible that some
features wouldn' work but then I'd just go an re-establish such
features by invoking them in the new Word.
Thanks in advance! Much appreciated. I'd like to get back up to my
usu. speed and clicking around on that ribbon is far worse than the
old pulldowns used to be. Yech! Why fix what isn't broken ???!!! <g>
drive. The ribbon configuration in the new Word 2007 is awful for me.
Is there any way to get back what I had? I'm so used to my own
toolbar configurations that even though I've started grouping commands
in the quick access area at the top of the Word 2007 at the office, it
still falls extremely short of the speed that I'd get with my
normal.dot's toolbars and features.
I've been googling but haven't found much other than general info
blurbs talking about normal.dot such as this:
It only seems to talk about migrating autotext entries.
Can our normal.dot be migrated to the Word 2007 environment? Also, is
there _any_ way to get -- as sometimes is the case -- features from an
version to work? i.e., would it be possible to be able to toggle my
own toolbars? I realize that if this is even possible that some
features wouldn' work but then I'd just go an re-establish such
features by invoking them in the new Word.
Thanks in advance! Much appreciated. I'd like to get back up to my
usu. speed and clicking around on that ribbon is far worse than the
old pulldowns used to be. Yech! Why fix what isn't broken ???!!! <g>