Translation of PC VBA code to MAC


alina b.


I have the following code in my PC version that works without error,
could someone tell me how to modify it so that I can have it open in a
MAC version?

pathname = ActiveWorkbook.Path
Databasaefile = pathname & "\Database.XLS"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Databasefile

Basically, for the third line it gives me a Run-time error. I believe
it doesn't recognize the pathname.

alina b.


Here's some code that often works for me.
Some adaptation is probably required.
' Code Snippet
txt = " Output File? - Yes/No "
YesNo = MsgBox(prompt:=txt, Title:="File Out?", Buttons:=vbYesNo)
If YesNo = vbYes Then
Call GetNewFileName(fout$, out$)
With Workbooks.Add
.SaveAs Filename:=fout$
outbook = .Name
outsheet = .ActiveSheet.Name
' Debug.Print outbook, outsheet
End With
Set output = Workbooks(outbook).Sheets(outsheet)
End If
' Supporting Subs/Functs
Function MacOrPC(Path)
If Path = "" Then Path = CurDir()
' ' debug.Print Path
MacOrPC = "Mac"
nx = Len(Path)
For i = 1 To nx - 1
If Mid(Path, i, 2) = ":\" Then MacOrPC = "PC"
Next i
End Function

Sub GetNewFileName(File_name$, sName)
Select Case MacOrPC("")
Case "Mac"
sel = ":"
ff = "XSL8"
Case "PC"
sel = "\"
ff = "Excel (*.xls),*.xls"
End Select

File_name$ = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(Initialfilename:="New
file", FileFilter:=ff)
kout = 1

sName = File_name$
Do 'Get file short name
kn = InStr(sName, sel)
If kn <> 0 Then
sName = Mid(sName, kn + 1, Len(sName))
Exit Do
End If
End Sub


Here's some code that often works for me.
Some adaptation is probably required.
' Code Snippet
txt = " Output File? - Yes/No "
YesNo = MsgBox(prompt:=txt, Title:="File Out?", Buttons:=vbYesNo)
If YesNo = vbYes Then
Call GetNewFileName(fout$, out$)
With Workbooks.Add
.SaveAs Filename:=fout$
outbook = .Name
outsheet = .ActiveSheet.Name
' Debug.Print outbook, outsheet
End With
Set output = Workbooks(outbook).Sheets(outsheet)
End If
' Supporting Subs/Functs
Function MacOrPC(Path)
If Path = "" Then Path = CurDir()
' ' debug.Print Path
MacOrPC = "Mac"
nx = Len(Path)
For i = 1 To nx - 1
If Mid(Path, i, 2) = ":\" Then MacOrPC = "PC"
Next i
End Function

Sub GetNewFileName(File_name$, sName)
Select Case MacOrPC("")
Case "Mac"
sel = ":"
ff = "XSL8"
Case "PC"
sel = "\"
ff = "Excel (*.xls),*.xls"
End Select

File_name$ = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(Initialfilename:="New
file", FileFilter:=ff)
kout = 1

sName = File_name$
Do 'Get file short name
kn = InStr(sName, sel)
If kn <> 0 Then
sName = Mid(sName, kn + 1, Len(sName))
Exit Do
End If
End Sub

Bob Greenblatt


I have the following code in my PC version that works without error,
could someone tell me how to modify it so that I can have it open in a
MAC version?

pathname = ActiveWorkbook.Path
Databasaefile = pathname & "\Database.XLS"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Databasefile

Basically, for the third line it gives me a Run-time error. I believe
it doesn't recognize the pathname.

alina b.
I did not even look at Jims' elaborate solution he just posted. All you have
to do is change the second line to the following:
Databasefile = pathname & application.pathseparator & "Database.xls"

(Is databasefile really spelled databasaefile as in the posted code?)

This will allow the code to work on either platform.
However, I'll bet a small sum that this is not the only problem, just the
first you'll find. Keep posting here and we'll try to help.

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