Transparent backgroud


Jack Zkcmbcyk

I have been using Visio for a while and recently, I came into contact with
Visio objects that can be imported into other documents in shapes other than
plain rectangles. That is, if an object has the shape of a plane or a
bicycle, you can import it in Word or PowerPoint and its shape will remain
that of a plane or bicyle and not become a rectangle.

In other words, it seems to be possible to make the outline of an object to
take any shape you want and not always have to be fitted inside a plain

Does anyone know how to do this?

Chris Roth [MVP]


You can simply copy Visio shapes and paste them into PowerPoint. If you
don't have any background shape surrounding the shapes you copy, then you'll
have a clear background - the shapes will "float above the PowerPoint
slide", so to speak.

The Visio object itself will be rectangular when you select it, and will
encompass all of the Visio objects. If you need them to be separate, the
cut-paste-cut-paste-cut-paste individual objects from Visio to PowerPoint.

Is that what you needed, or did I miss something?

Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

More Visio shapes, articles, development info and pure diagramming fun at:

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