Transparent GIF



I can't seem to figure this out...

I have a gif with transparency that I want to display on a form - not as an
OLE object or anything, just a static graphic image on the form.

I can open it in Photo Editor and see the transparency 'checkerboard', but
when I import it into the document to use as a graphic, it has a white
background. I set the background property in Access to transparent, but it's
still white.

Can Access not read the transparency layer?

Douglas J. Steele

Robert_L_Ross said:
I can't seem to figure this out...

I have a gif with transparency that I want to display on a form - not as
OLE object or anything, just a static graphic image on the form.

I can open it in Photo Editor and see the transparency 'checkerboard', but
when I import it into the document to use as a graphic, it has a white
background. I set the background property in Access to transparent, but
still white.

Can Access not read the transparency layer?

I don't believe it can.

See whether what Stephen Lebans has at


Forgive me if I am mistaken with this comment.

MS Access <=2003 can't read anything natively except BMP files.
All other files are stored in the database as OLE Objects on forms and
the like.

MS Access 2007 has support (finally) for alpha channels in Images and
can handle bmp, jpg, gif and png files natively.

Hope this helps you with your troubles.

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