transparent region within a non-transparent region



I have a Word document with a picture. The whole picture is covered with a
50% transparent object. So the picture looks like insensitive.
I would like to create a region which is not covered with the 50%
transparent object.
So I can see the original picture. This region uses different shapes.
How do I do something like this?
Thanks, any help is appreciated.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?V2VuaHVh?=,
I have a Word document with a picture. The whole picture is covered with a
50% transparent object. So the picture looks like insensitive.
I would like to create a region which is not covered with the 50%
transparent object.
So I can see the original picture. This region uses different shapes.
How do I do something like this?
You need to edit the picture in a graphics program that can handle what you
need to do. Word is a Word Processor with some graphics stuff added in; it
doesn't have all the tools a high-end graphics editor contains. When you need
something like this, you have to use a real graphics editor.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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