Transparent subform



How do I make a subform with a transparant background?

I want the subform to be an "overlay" to the main form
where only the text boxes on the subform are visible.

The reason for this is that I have a form with many
controls. I refresh the data every 5 seconds. For some of
the values this is not often enough, so I would like to
refresh some of them every second. I pictured I could then
just put my transparent subform on top of the "5-second
values" - and then just refresh some more often.

Albert D. Kallal

Hum, why not just have your timer code fire every second, and then place the
controls that need to be updated in each section:

static intSecondCount as integer

intSecondCount = intSecondCount + 1

if intSecondCount < 5 then

gosub UpdateOnceSecondFields


if intSecondCount >= 5 then
intSecondCount = 0
gosub UPdateOneSecondFielods
gosbu UpdateFiveSecondFeilds
end if


Well, I thought of that too...

But I would like to refresh data just by making a requery
of the form data (instead of having to loop through all

With the fields placed on a 1-second form and a 5-second
form I can do this in a very efficient way.

Problem is - that the fields are mixed in between each
other... meaning I have 1-second fields in the middle of a
group of 5-second fields, so I cant group my fields
together. Therefore the transparency would do the trick!

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