Hi everyone
I have just started learning VBA and a friend designed the followin
The macro takes information from Cell A2 to F2 and creates a new recor
in a single column. That is the is transposed from horizontal acros
columns to a single column, with line break at each record.
This macro works very well.
I would like to learn more about VBA and apply this knowledge using thi
I would appreciate if a member could add some comments against each lin
so I can understand what the code is doing.
For example is the following selecting the first record down to the las
record in the worksheet.
Range("A2").Select ' start point
Selection.End(xlDown).Select ' bottom record
lastRow = ActiveCell.Row
Thanks Davidshe
Sub UpdateData()
' assuming columns don't go beyond the Z column
Dim lastColumn As String, currentRow As String, destinationArray A
String 'string = text
Dim i As Integer, lastRow, numOfColumns As Integer, destinationStar
As Integer ' Interger = number
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' opening
Range("A2").Select ' start point
Selection.End(xlDown).Select ' bottom record
lastRow = ActiveCell.Row
numOfColumns = ActiveCell.Column + 1
lastColumn = (Chr(numOfColumns + 64)) ' maximum columns could be
to max etc
' should add in a line here to clear old tranposed data
destinationStart = lastRow
For i = 2 To lastRow
currentRow = "A" & i & ":" & lastColumn & i
destinationArray = "A" & destinationStart + 5 & ":A"
destinationStart + 3 + numOfColumns
Range(destinationArray).FormulaArray = "=transpose("
currentRow & ")"
destinationStart = destinationStart + numOfColumns
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'closing
End Su
I have just started learning VBA and a friend designed the followin
The macro takes information from Cell A2 to F2 and creates a new recor
in a single column. That is the is transposed from horizontal acros
columns to a single column, with line break at each record.
This macro works very well.
I would like to learn more about VBA and apply this knowledge using thi
I would appreciate if a member could add some comments against each lin
so I can understand what the code is doing.
For example is the following selecting the first record down to the las
record in the worksheet.
Range("A2").Select ' start point
Selection.End(xlDown).Select ' bottom record
lastRow = ActiveCell.Row
Thanks Davidshe
Sub UpdateData()
' assuming columns don't go beyond the Z column
Dim lastColumn As String, currentRow As String, destinationArray A
String 'string = text
Dim i As Integer, lastRow, numOfColumns As Integer, destinationStar
As Integer ' Interger = number
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' opening
Range("A2").Select ' start point
Selection.End(xlDown).Select ' bottom record
lastRow = ActiveCell.Row
numOfColumns = ActiveCell.Column + 1
lastColumn = (Chr(numOfColumns + 64)) ' maximum columns could be
to max etc
' should add in a line here to clear old tranposed data
destinationStart = lastRow
For i = 2 To lastRow
currentRow = "A" & i & ":" & lastColumn & i
destinationArray = "A" & destinationStart + 5 & ":A"
destinationStart + 3 + numOfColumns
Range(destinationArray).FormulaArray = "=transpose("
currentRow & ")"
destinationStart = destinationStart + numOfColumns
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'closing
End Su