With your posted data structure in cells A1:A20
Try this:
C1: RowRef
D1: Name
E1: Address
F1: City
G1: State
Note: Those cells contain the actuall data prefixes from Col_A
Put this ARRAY FORMULA, committed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER,
instead of just ENTER, in cell
Copy C1 into C2 and down until it returns #NUM! errors
Put this regular formula in cell
D2: =MID(INDEX($A$1:$A$20,$C2+COLUMNS($C:C)-1),LEN(D$1)+3,255)
Copy that formula accross through G2 and down as many rows as you need.
Using your sample data, these were my results:
1______John____123 Elm St__Anywhere___AZ
6______Sally___555 Oak St__Anywhere___AZ
Is that something you can work with?
Post back if you have more questions.
Ron (XL2003, Win XP)
Microsoft MVP (Excel)
My data looks like this
Name: John
Address: 123 Elm St
City: Anywhere
State: AZ
Name: Sally
Address: 555 Oak St
City: Anywhere
State: AZ
How can I transpose/convert it to a table having the header in row1 and the
data beneath