Transposeing data



My data looks like this

Name: John
Address: 123 Elm St
City: Anywhere
State: AZ

Name: Sally
Address: 555 Oak St
City: Anywhere
State: AZ

How can I transpose/convert it to a table having the header in row1 and the data beneath

Ron Coderre

With your posted data structure in cells A1:A20

Try this:
C1: RowRef
D1: Name
E1: Address
F1: City
G1: State
Note: Those cells contain the actuall data prefixes from Col_A

Put this ARRAY FORMULA, committed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER,
instead of just ENTER, in cell

Copy C1 into C2 and down until it returns #NUM! errors

Put this regular formula in cell
D2: =MID(INDEX($A$1:$A$20,$C2+COLUMNS($C:C)-1),LEN(D$1)+3,255)

Copy that formula accross through G2 and down as many rows as you need.

Using your sample data, these were my results:
1______John____123 Elm St__Anywhere___AZ
6______Sally___555 Oak St__Anywhere___AZ

Is that something you can work with?
Post back if you have more questions.


Ron (XL2003, Win XP)
Microsoft MVP (Excel)

My data looks like this

Name: John
Address: 123 Elm St
City: Anywhere
State: AZ

Name: Sally
Address: 555 Oak St
City: Anywhere
State: AZ

How can I transpose/convert it to a table having the header in row1 and the
data beneath

Alan Beban

Minkx said:
My data looks like this

Name: John
Address: 123 Elm St
City: Anywhere
State: AZ

Name: Sally
Address: 555 Oak St
City: Anywhere
State: AZ

How can I transpose/convert it to a table having the header in row1 and
the data beneath
If the functions in the freely downloadable file at are available to your workbook, then if
your data is as regular as you illustrated you can put your headers in
b1:e1 and array enter into b2:b7 (for example--assuming your data is in


Alan Beban

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