Trap canceled digital signature


Tillman Erb

Is there a way to program the OnSign event to identify whether a user
canceled digital signing of a form? I want to update certain fields in the
form programmatically only if the user completes the digital signature
wizard, not if they cancel out of it. Should I be using another event to do

Tillman Erb

I have solved it. On the OnSign event, I do the following:

' disable default opening of signature dialog
e.ReturnStatus = True

Dim sig As Signature = e.SignedDataBlock.Signatures.Create()

' the following tests for the existence of the signature
If thisXDocument.SignedDataBlocks(e.SignedDataBlock.Name).Signatures.Count >
0 Then
[code conditional on successful signature]
[code conditional on unsuccessful signature]
End If

Seems to work!

~ Tillman

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