trap look up error



I have a movie database in Access 2003
The Actor field is linked to a look up table
If I try to enter a name that's not in the table, I get an error(of course).
I want to be able to trap the error and offer a dialog box to prompt the
user to add the new actor name to the Actor table.

Dale Fye

You might want to try using a combo box rather than a text box for this. For
one, using a text box, you could easily misspell the actor's name. With a
combo box, you can format the display the way you want it, and can use the
NotInList event to trap a name that gets typed that is not in the list. With
this, you can ask the user whether they want to add the name to the list,
send them to a new form to enter pertinent data, and then send them back to
the original form.


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