traversing through a filtered range based on another filtered range



i have two filtered ranges that i'm going through that are in the sam
worksheet. they are just different columns in the worksheet. i'm tryin
to put this into code

if a value is found in filteredrange1 then goto the same row i
filteredrange2 and copy its value

right now i can go through filteredrange1 a row at a time, but i wan
to go through both filteredranges the same row at the same time

this is the code that i'm using so far, which does not work because th
if the rows in filteredrange2 aren't together testvar will be som
hidden data that shouldn't be used
dim filteredrange1 as range
dim filteredrange2 as range
dim counter as integer
dim testvar as string

counter =0

'Traverse range and get value
For Each rng In filteredrange1
If rng = "Value" Then

testvar = filteredrange2(counter)

counter = counter + 1

msgbox testvar

Next rng

Tom Ogilvy

just refer to the the cell relative to the cell in the filterrange1

For Each rng In filteredrange1
If rng = "Value" Then

testvar = rng.offset(0,10)
msgbox testvar
End if

change the 10 to reflect the offset from the filteredrange1 column.


thats so simple i wish i had through of it. what would i do if the tw
ranges weren't on the same worksheet or workbook even

Tom Ogilvy

testvar =

to get a value from column C of sheet2 of Book2.xls for the same row.


thanks tom, one thing though. what if the rows don't match but the tw
filtered ranges have the same numbre of rows. how can i travers
through both of them at the same time to and compare values withou
using a counter for one of them

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